so called sile.nce


Garnet smiled back at her mother, nodding slowly. Her mother was apologizing for something that she really didn’t need to apologize for. ”It is fine, mom. You had some stuff to get through, I get it.” The black female smiled at her mother; this was certainly an interesting conversation they were having. When the topic of meeting people was brought up though, her thoughts turned almost immediately to the male she had met on her first day. Garnet huffed as she began.

”Well, there was the ass-hole I met on my first day that wouldn’t even tell me his fucking name, for starters. Maybe you know him? Scruffy, red fur red eyed bastard, bit small for a male but still a little larger than I. DAMN he was so fucking annoying.” And so she huffed and puffed and scratched the earth with her claws. Remembering something else, she stopped her huffing and continued. ”Oh, and I met the prisoner, not sure what to think about her.” The female shrugged.


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