posted; no trespassing
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_____The day was lazy, perhaps too lazy to suit her tastes. Gabriel and Anselm had left with the prisoner and Corona had been hanging around the borders off and on with baited breath. She had never met Talitha, but already she had established a mental bond with the girl that ran just as deep as the one with the others who she was related to. So there was a sense of fear and of wonder of just how she had been treated. And for the most part, Corona certainly hoped she was still alive.

_____But now something else had caught her attention altogether, putting her almost hypersensitive for the moment senses to work. The shift in the midday wind had drawn attention to a presence that she wasn't familiar with. So while everyone else seemed to be doing their own thing, Corona left her impromptu post and ventured along the borders. A short while later, the scenery spit up—much to her relief— a coyote. One who was studying their rather creative decorations.

_____“Good thing they don't bite, huh?”


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