A morning howl.
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The rise for the morning was not from within the Chambers for a time, but from the façade of the mountain where the light first touched. It was a decision based upon the woman’s need to keep herself fit for the time ahead. Nothing forced the body awake or worked the muscles like a jog down the steep slopes. And nothing was as restricting as the large grey found persistently trying to bar her way each and every morning. The woman was not yet incapable of doing things for herself but by the way she was being treated, one would have thought otherwise. It was becoming part of the routine, the monstrous form of her lover barricading the entrance of the den trying (and consistently failing) to keep her within the safety of their home. Already the female could feel herself growing fat from isolation, but she would be damned if it became an unhealthy weight. Coursing rapidly through their routine of empty argument then loving touches and a final word regarding Zeus, she was then free to take her steep climb down with the ringing of a call still in her ears.

Bounding down the mountain, she hurried to the call. Her morning grooming was forfeit for expediency certain that her delay would be looked upon as indifference. But when her paws touched firm, flat ground again, she sounded a call in turn letting the voice know that it was heard and would be received rather shortly.

Swiftly X’yrin made her way toward the border, or as fast as she was able with awkwardly weighed down steps. Her joints still begged for relief though the rest of her felt fine and well. This ailment she presumed herself to have was becoming something more…something worrisome, but as she had done before, she ignored it in favor of more pressing matters. Like the pair that stood before the borders; one dark, one pale, respectfully waiting. “Forgive my delay,” the woman called to the pair, oddly out of breath for so short a run. Before she continued on, she took a pause to collect herself and in this time let her gaze wander of the two set near her home. Her nose quivered inquisitively. “Might you be wanderers?”

376 words.


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