the forgotten one
DaVinci was the one that carried a name that wasn't his, in the sense of it all truly belonged to the man that lay before him, the weak and frail frame that was fading away. He swollowed hard as his dark hued orbs took in the sight before him, knowing that this wasn't something that he'd ran upon out on the open sea. The ocean lady was a fierce woman and none too forgiving, but even she would deliver death when it's time came. The hybrid wasn't sure what to think of this disease that taunted and teased it's prey leaving them to go on and on while death waited in the shadows always present but never willing to take the soul by the hand. He wasn't for certain what had happened to the ghosts he'd stumbled upon but it was obvious that they were being taken care of.. in some sense.

He took a step back as Laruku spoke, flinching at the words, but not obeying them. The younger male wasn't for certain if the once alpha of Clouded Tears even knew who he was but DaVinci didn't let that phase him. His shark keen eyes studied the clouded orbs of the sickly soul as he spoke softly, "You know I wasn't very good at listening." he stated before creeping closer, peering at his distant relative from the foot of the bed. "Come to think of it, I liked to disobey, disgust and to shock the whole lot of you." He sat back on his haunches and admitted. "I was a horrible little brat, wasn't I?" He knew he should do something for the man that had helped to watch over him even when he didn't deserve a snivel from a single soul in the world, but he wasn't certain what.

Quietly he sat there listening to the ragged breath of the hybrid, the echos of the other patients coming from other spaces in the building giving a feeling that creeped down the spine, like death was picking and poking at the bodies. Tormenting and torturing the framework but never ready to accept the bruised and broken souls that sheltered within. "What can I do.." he asked, knowing full well that sooner or later he'd probably be caught out and in trouble, but for the moment it didn't matter, it was just the two of them.

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