[MaMa] Center of the Storm
Itzal's focus slipped as his jeans fell to the ground, shredded. Triumphant Amy stepped back, letting her stance relax from the offensive way she'd been holding herself. More relaxed she smiled, letting herself drink in Itzal's unclothed form. It was just as glorious as she'd imagined. Perhaps a touch better, as he was always proving himself to be more than she expected and pushing past his previous limits. Amy did her best to do the same, but it didn't mean her breath didn't catch when she was able to drink in his form like this.

Itzal showed off, letting her take it in before he tossed the weapons to the side. It took her a moment to do the same, always an instant slower to relax. The feeling that she was going to be killed never fully dissipated unless she was at home in his arms. Pulled close Amy nuzzled against him, eyes gleaming. Of course. I am the better fighter. Well, she wasn't really sure if that was true, since it was a constant toss up on who would win their games. She would make the claim anyways due to her pride.

The shorts came away easily, Amy changing her pose to let him drink in his fill. She loved his possessiveness, and the knowledge that he wouldn't look to anyone else. Not since she entered his life. Stepping up Amy let her claws dig into his back slightly as she kissed him, enjoying the moment. It was nice to be there with him, safe from harm. Amy did enjoy killing, but it wasn't a relaxing occupation.

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