A morning howl.
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As the Nomad inhaled deeply to catch her breath, she noticed first the gathered scent of various goods that covered them, then a fresher scent that had her hackles briefly stand on end. A hint was enough to rouse the Nomad's suspicions, but not enough to heavily assume without just cause.

Though it brought her pleasure to hear the female pair were wanderers and traders more specifically, she restrained her excitement to little more than a thump of her tail in the grass as she sat, and kept her eyes honed rather tightly on the two. Her shoulders were drawn back pulling the large wolf to a more comfortable height than the exhausted slouch, yet the look of fatigue still burdened her eyes but not by enough to impair her. "It is always a pleasure to meet traders," she replied softly with a hint of a smile playing upon her muzzle. "But is it not good manners in trade to introduce oneself before seeking the needs of the customer?" Saying so, the Issor dipped her head in introduction, letting the loose strands of her wild mane slip freely from her shoulders before drawing her head to its full height again.

"I am X'yrin...Issor and Alpha to the Nomads of Sangi'lak. Might I ask your names before seeing what you offer?"

220 words.


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