sound the siren out through the streets


Good cop, bad cop. If a life he didn't care about didn't lie on the line, he might have found it to be an amusing game. It would be a twisted, demented one, but amusing none the less. It was interesting to try to crack people; it was fascinating how everyone responded differently to certain threats, promises, or hopes.
"Well, she sure threatens me a lot about what will happen to us if we do anything to her, so I guess that's a good thing," he remarked with a bit of an ironic laugh. It died out quickly, though, and he snorted, shaking his head. What a mess. An ear flicked as he considered her words, which intrigued him. Family of hers might also be family of his.
"Well, that would definitely be helpful." He paused for a moment before changing subjects. "Is there anyone I might be related to, as well? Faolin explained most of the relationships in Inferni to me, and I met Ga... well... your father once by chance, but I wasn't sure if there was anybody else in the area." It was something he was at least vaguely curious about; part of him had assumed there was nobody else, but now that she said there might be others he wasn't so sure.

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