the country's calling and that's where i'm going
Jasper was just on his way back from the city when he spotted the two of them. The larger of the two was immediately familiar. Laurel, who Jasper still didn't know all that well, but had seen him enough to recognize him when he was out. Of course, it could have been the hat. The other, a female who he had never seen before, seemed to be leaving just as he got closer. He was holding an old dirty jar in his hands, something that he had found previously in the city and had decided to drink on his way back. The water inside it had a stale sort of taste to it, though it was something that Jasper blamed solely on his out-of-commission nose. His father had said things might taste different, after all.

Holding the now empty jar in one hand, down by his side, Jasper slowed as he neared Laurel, eyes racing off after the mysterious woman who was disappearing off in to the distance. "Who was that?" His voice was quiet as he spoke, slightly unsure. Certainly it was none of his business, but Jasper wasn't that great at small talk anyways, he never really knew what to say. Not only that, but Laurel will still a sort of stranger to him. Sure, Laurie had said they would treat him well, but Jasper knew better than most that people could change in certain situations. Perhaps he would be mean and taunting now that they were away from everyone else.


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