Twisting Hurricane

Word Count :: +1 :: I pp'ed Shaw, assuming he's there, but Shaw, don't feel obligated to reply Smile

The downpour was horrendous, but the Alpha knew it was nowhere close to what he knew was coming. This storm was just like a bad summer rain, but on the horizon a dark monster threatened them. He knew that they couldn’t stay in the den, no matter how well Jiva and the others had protected it, no, who knew how long this storm would last? They had to be somewhere high and dry, somewhere protected from the brunt of the wind, and Zalen knew the Dagger Caverns would be the perfect place. It might not be as comfortable as the den, but they would have clean water there, and warmth if they stuck together.

Tharin had come to him with similar concerns, and Zalen had been bolstered by his moral; it was not often that Tharin showed this side of himself, and it made the Alpha feel good about his decision to make him Gamma. The non-luperci called to the pack, and they all appeared, wet and sopping as Zalen was. The Alpha smiled at them all, and blinked the water drops away from his eyes, giving Tharin a nod, and they were on their way.

The trek to the Dagger Caverns wasn’t the easiest, the terrain was rocky, but everyone helped each other out. Zalen helped to carry Shawchert, carrying him against his shoulder, until they reached the jagged mouth of the den. Inside, it was dry, as he had expected, and the weather seemed to be not as bad up here in the mountains; the dark Alpha knew that they would be safe here.

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