holding on to let go
DaVinci's maw almost split into a grin as the boy gave his reason for why he wanted the hybrid to be an outlaw. He wasn't for certain why the younger generation seemed to flock to him, first a rag tag half sibling, like a burr lodged in his fur on a patch he couldn't reach.. now another. He wasn't going to just push the kid away, he could have found worse beings to shadow. Raising a brow he asked with a mock serious attitude. "That's a big decision to make..." who was he to judge though, he'd been such a serious little monster when he'd presented Naniko with his choice. She could take it again from another young thing out to make it on their own.

The older male smiled softly as he was given a rundown on becoming an outlaw, if he didn't know laready from his own adventures. His slight smile spread into a shit eating grin as he admitted. "I've been a pirate, a monster and a barbarian.. who's to stop us from becoming legendary outlaws.." He could play along with the kid, though deep down he knew he was already viewed as an outlaw in the eyes of the common folk. A small voice in the background cackled as he decided that the two of them might do better together than just any regular old stray roaming out on the lands.

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