dirty sand


His ears flattened against his head somewhat as he learned of his misjudgement--well, that was unfortunate. It struck him as very peculiar, none the less--other than the Holocausts and the de le Poer's, he didn't know of many families with their colour of eyes. Yellows, browns, greens, blues--all of these seemed much more common than blood red. Chalking it up to some weird coincidence, especially once she said she wasn't from the area, he simply shrugged.
The girl offered her name and he made a note of it. It was rather different and it stood out to him--it was a name he'd encountered in the past, but only in reference to human males in books. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, though--the human reference was abstract enough to be dismissed, and the masculine connotation may have suggested some sort of strength. He guessed. He wasn't really in the habit of putting a lot of stress on names and he wasn't about to start.
That didn't mean he wouldn't offer his own, though. "Anselm," he said smoothly, blissfully unaware of the fact that those two syllables would lead to a major change in his life (or at least his perspective).

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