that blue, blue sky
He couldn't help but laugh as she spoke on about family, he didn't mean to be rude but if she knew the truth she wouldn't have spoke so openly about his family. Shaking his head sadly he sighed and gathered himself before almost soberly replying. "I don't exaclt fit into that perfect family portrait if you know what I mean.." He'd grown so use to believing that the world would see him in the mists of the Sadira line and one single gasp would ring out.. then be followed by silence as he was caught out.

He'd turned himself into the black sheep before he could be dubbed thus in the eyes of others.. The smile that she gave him was almost wholly innocent and pure, he could sense no judgement on who or what he was by the appearance of his long tampered legs or oversized ears.. then again from one hybrid to another it could have been like looking into a dark hazy mirror, while he gazed into the lighter side. He didn't spend too long gazing longingly into that mirror though, the male had convinced himself so long ago that no one could see beauty in the beast. "It's better this way.." he said firmly, vivid memories of his disfunctional family settling in his mind as he spoke.

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