Flowers falling

Word Count → 405 :: OOC

Keldava blinked in shock, her mouth frozen half open as though she had meant to say something in return. After a moment her mind managed to process the words but even then all she could manage was to splutter and start, her cheeks burning beneath her fur.. ”I.. but, I…er, Beautiful. Me?” her stammering was accompanied by Keldava twirling her fingers together, though she practically tore them apart when she realised what she was doing. She shook her head lightly, as though to clear water from her fur, and seemed slightly more together for it, ”I… well, thank you. You think I’m beautiful, really?” Keldava was still confused and shocked but there was a distinctly happy and appreciative undertone to her voice; like someone who knew they had been complemented but not how – only Keldava did know how she had been complimented, just not why.

Beautiful wasn’t a word that Keldava had ever attributed to herself. It wasn’t that she didn’t like how she looked, she did, but Keldava’s appreciation of herself was more to do with being rugged and strong in her appearance. Her body was growing to become attractive as Keldava fleshed out and grew but she still didn’t understand those particulars of attraction; to Keldava beautiful was about having smooth fur and a pretty looking face, like Gina. Even before she had been scarred Keldava’s face had always been somewhat heavier than her sister’s and cured with half-cast ears. She wouldn’t have called herself beautiful before her mother had sliced her face open, so it was shocking to hear it afterwards.

Still as much as she would like to dwell on the unexpected compliment there was the other part of what he had said, ”I… I dunno. Been thinking about it enough recently, don’ really want to talk about it.” She was quiet for a moment before talking again, her next words barely above a whisper, ”I just feel so angry at her. I know why she did it, why she snapped like that and would’a probably done the same but I’m still angry.” Keldava’s voice was small and sad; with the shock her brain had gone through she was actually thinking about what had happened with Jace and she didn’t want to. It was easier to stay angry, stick with her knee jerk emotions rather than think hard about someone who had been practically absent in her life since the incident.

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