Choci Loni

In Character

To state it simply, Helios wolfed down his serving. He was ravenous. It wasn't an odd sight for the stout Australian Shepherd to be hungry, as he was still young and full of vigor. The youth had also experienced times of strain in which food was very rare and whenever he was given food he was apt to eat quickly and violently. It didn't stop him from enjoying it though. However, the richness and sweetness of it sat heavy in his belly and caused his eyes to droop heavier than they had before. It was only then when he acknowledged what Edgar had written out for him. He didn't feel as bothered as he slowly read through the words, silently mouthing them out one by one. He quietly reminded himself to ask his new companion to teach him to read sometime, but instead put the note pad to the side.

Bringing up the bust of the Brittany in his hands, he stared at it, chipping away thoughtfully for a few moments with only the warm crackle of the fire as his lullaby. It succeeded in being a proper one and the warmth was lolling him quickly into a deep drowsiness. Huffing in annoyance, he sat up and quietly commenced his evening routine.

Most of his life had been centered around movement and never sleeping in the same place twice. Though it wasn't a life style he preferred it was one that had been thrust upon him. To maintain some sort of normalcy, he had taken up an evening ceremony that he did every night without fail before he went to sleep. Helios slid his father's blade from the scabbard and stared at the glossy edge and saw his reflection within it. Humming to himself, a familiar ballad his mother once sang, he stroked the edge of the blade hypnotically and closed his odd eyes. His being relaxed and his breathing slowed as if he was truly asleep. Without opening his eyes, he slid the sword back into its sheath and ceased his quiet hum. Eyes opening again, he smiled in Edgar's direction, offering no explanation other than that.

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