the thin red line

Omg Talitha and Gabe need a follow up thread. :O

indent The moment he saw Haku, Gabriel wanted nothing more then to leap forward and rip the demon’s throat out. It was self control, that remarkable self control that kept him still. He stared head, eyes cold and remarkably blank. He did not let the anger show, the rage, the hatred he carried. Even if the chocolate male could delude himself to believe they were no different, Gabriel knew they were. He served a higher purpose. He was not the one who had raped and tortured women and children for sport or revenge. Gabriel had done nothing except God’s Will, and he had been set to burn.
indent It was his daughter that caused his blood to burn. Even if she showed no visible signs, he knew. Something had happened. Something terrible and something she would not speak of. A terrible shadow darkened his eyes and he spoke shortly. “This ends now,” he said flatly. “Keep your wolves away from Inferni and we’ll stay away from your pack.” His eyes betrayed a separate intent; I will be the one who kills you, don’t you dare forget it. We still have our war, but it’s just you and me. Motioning with his hand, Gabriel signaled that the girl could now move.


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