Music is good for the soul

<3, sorry for the wait, i've had some internet issues <333

Ookami smiled slightly, he felt annoyed that the male wouldn't leave his hand be. "Well, you still have a lot to see then." His voice wasn't bitter, but he wasn't exactly his kind self still. His anger was hard to get rid of, the pain kept his mind pre-occupied, but he was wanting to take his anger out on somebody. He knew that it wasn't a good idea to take it out on Adrian. There was no point, he needed to hold it in and just let it out slowly so that he could control it.

When the talk once again turned to music, he was able to relax a little more. "That's a while to not play guitar." He chuckled lightly, "I couldn't go four days without playing." He smiled, he was able to be his normal self when he was talking about what he loved. It was so easy, it just came naturally, but anything else and he felt that smoldering anger inside of his body.

Ookami's eye brows raised as Adrian spoke of Cercatori D'Arte. "I suppose we will be pack mates. I've just joined that pack not too long ago." He smiled softly, what were the odds? Soon the music shop came into view and he pointed with the hand that didn't have the "scrape" on it. "Here it is." His voice was warmer now, he was excited to go into the store and his pace quickened. He opened the door and breathed in the smell of his favorite shop. His legs immediately carried him to the CDs. He found lyrics and chords in one of these before, maybe he would find more.

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