gambling with a d20

He had only been here for a couple of days, but it felt like an eternity. Back home he knew a lot about most of the pack members...where everyone slept what they liked to do throughout the day. He'd watched them a lot. But here things seemed a lot more secretive. He had seen the procession leave the lands, Gabriel and the others, but hadn't followed them to their destination. He'd told Anselm that he would stay inside Inferni until all of the fighting was over, that being one of the conditions of his joining.

Sirius had thought that he would gain answers by becoming a part of the clan, that he might be able to figure out who his father was. It had to be someone from here that his mother had consorted with...there weren't many coyotes that he knew of who weren't a member of Inferni. He would keep looking and keep asking questions. The four month old hybrid had promised that he wouldn't leave...but he'd never said anything about the borders. He could just go a little ways out...not too far. He could always just run back into the clan's territory if any really horrible creature came about, after all.

The bronze male was just getting to the edges of it when he smelled it, a strange scent that came drifting over the cool breeze toward him. Someone was there. His heart began to thud quickly and he looked about, large ears turning in different directions. Were they close? He couldn't distinguish how far away the outsider was. But...He was a member here. It was his duty to make sure that the borders were protected! He started toward the area from which the smell was coming from, noting that it got a little stronger with each step that he took.

He stared into the grasses surrounding the territory, squinting. He couldn't see anything, and it was getting darker by the minute. This frustrated him; he could smell whoever it was, but he had no idea where they were. "Who's there?" Sirius demanded, glancing about at the many clumps of grass. If only he had x-ray vision.


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