M- left enough ignition
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herrooo! thankies for joining in <3 216 points:0

A little ticked with the raccoon's disappearance, the coyote came to realize the cleverness expressed first-hand by the masked creature. Her belly had not been filled for the last while, which very obviously meant that the raccoon had headed off in search of food. Still no sight of the clever thing, Elody began to pace, clearly annoyed, trying to find the scent trail of the fluffy grey and black creature. Fully awake now, and her cloak neglecting to provide the heat and warmth she so craved, it was obvious of her stormy feelings.

The coyote princess pivoted to the mouth of the storm shelter, peering out into the storm, one arm raised to sheild the wind from her pretty face. Nope, not out here. Rêve was smart, and what intelligent creature would traipse into the windy hell outside? Baffled, she sat down by the entrance, only to glance up at a voice just near, concerned with her affairs. The Zepar shook her head, an ear flopping half-way to her skull. She was new, and not esteemed as she hoped. Lost my raccoon. Clever little shit ran off, no scent trail. Looking for food I'm guessing. Ellie didn't expect the man to help, perhaps simply show a little interest and walk off. She'll come back, eventually.


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