Flaming Hearts.
Out of Character

WC: 245/ OOC: Terribly sorry about the delay ; ; SO MUCH TO DOOOOO

In Character

Shawchert was confused. This pack was much the same as his birth one, though he knew a bit less strict or he would be dead right now, but in many ways it was far different from what he was used to. He listened to Sky, and back to Zalen, both were furious, Sky because of Tharin, Zalen because of sky tharin and himself. Zalen spoke to him and Shawchert lowered his head respectfully. It would take a bit more learning to do all this and for someone such as himself, he knew he could not rise in the ranks, a cripple could never do so.

At the mention of Titania, his paternal thoughts came through, he was upset that such things should be said. She didn't’ even know who she was let alone where she was, and it worried him that if she didn’t know that, could it mean she forgot how to hunt? He wiped away his word, to form new ones “She’s confused. She needs safety, Orin. Juliet?” He looked up at Zalen. Zalen wanted to drop the subject but this was Shawchert’s daughter. He wasn’t just going to let her wander around the land confused only to find her self in Salsola.... his heart wretched at the thought. Shaw grimaced as he stood, he nodded to Zalen once then made a stiff head bob at Tharin, looked meaningful at Sky, his sadness and confusion and then left toward her cabin to think,

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</style> Coding by sie

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