Scouting for Sustenance
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ooc: Form;Lupus

The layers of interest continued to grow, it would seem that this wolf was either shy…or had a great level of concentration on her tasks. The latter seemed more likely, which only served to perk X’ies curiosity further. There was a spark of movement, and his jaws remained silent…he stopped moving and allowed the new pack member to take the lead on this one. The rabbit would be small, more bone that flesh. But it would still be something to feed another mouth of the pack. As he waited for her attack he began to calculate her position on the chess board that was their pack. If she had such concentration to give to her tasks then she would fit in well. Though the question was just what kind of task did her mind excel at? When she had claimed her victory he stood in the rain watching as she trodded back with her catch. ” You have potential…youth is merely a clay, experience will be what molds you…”. Of course just what those experiences would mold her into..who knew.

The grey wolf would merely nod, finishing his words. There was nothing more that needed to be said really, at least not yet. X’ies didn’t doubt that eventually he would learn more about this young one, but pressing for information wasn’t a good least not whilst she was still getting used to the idea of being part of the collective…at least if her hesitation before had said anything. The grey wolf raised his head to the sky, the water still cascading down to the ground….his memories travelled back to earlier months when the pack had taken part in a group hunt and had taken down a moose. The hunt had not gone as successfully as it could have…Jaden….the alpha male had made a grave error in not following the game plan out of…spite? He wondered just what kind of prey could actually be caught now in this kind of weather beyond rabbits. The sustainability of the packs rationing depended on having a good source of meat.

His eyes returned to the female ”…How are our ration supplies looking at the moment?...did you see before you took up the hunt?”. The answer of course in the grander sense of things didn’t really matter, the girl was not infected…therefore not able to transform into a form more capable for carrying more than one rabbit. As much as he preferred Lupus, he had to admit that the other forms were useful when it came to certain tasks. No doubt they would see soon enough what the rations looked like. For good or ill.

Word Count: 442


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