Lets greet the neighbors with a smile!

Adrian had to admit that he was still a tiny bit skeptical. But his curiosity was aroused and he wondered what it would be like to try and shoot the bow. "So you see the bow as a thing to use for sport?" He asked, making sure that he understood her. He wasn't sure if he would have ever thought of it that way but maybe he would after Eclipse showed him what she meant. Adrian would never pick up a weapon that he intended to use for harm, unless he felt he must. Just like he had felt it was necessary to pick up the weapon against his father, who had been out of control. It was part of the reason Adrian was so anti-violent. Adrian could still remember his father's blood on his fur and watching as the man who had raised him died by his hand. Adrian still didn't like to think that he had been capable of such a thing. It scared him.

Adrian accompanied her to her horses' stall, standing off to the side as she spoke. He smiled at the horses, including the little one. Adrian wanted a horse himself, though he wanted a full grown one he could ride. Traveling would be so much easier and it would give him a constant companion when he did indeed travel.

He followed Eclipse and her horse, Grace, out to the flower fields. Adrian watched, curious, to see what Eclipse was going to do. He had to agree that the area was very open and probably more comfortable for the horse. Adrian looked for any sign of her targets but nothing caught his eye. Maybe she just shot at random trees, he thought, but he doubted it. Giving up on his own search, he looked to Eclipse and smiled, "This is it?" He asked, curious.

Word Count → 000

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