Curbed Enthusiasm

Zadkiel frowned as he couldn't find any piece of meat left that would be suitable for consumption. Clearly other scavengers had already come along and picked it over before he had gotten to it. It really was a pity. He had thought that he would have an easy time of it but clearly not. But wasn't that just the way that it went at times. Not everything could be so easy. He had his share of luck at times, just not right now. Perhaps he had too easy of a time finding a meal to the south that he wouldn't end up finding something so easily this time around. Eh, he would just have to deal with it though.

The blonde lifted his head when he was approached and looked up at the male that had come close an spoke to him. He was only given a simple greeting but it was enough to cause Zadkiel to stand and turn to face the other male. "Did you do this!? Is that why you are sneaking around out here!? Do you plan on doing this to me too now that I have found you out!?" Zadkiel was indignant, motioning to the mauled corpse. He thought to turn the accusation onto the other before it could be pinned on him. Zad had a reputation to uphold after all. The ones that knew of the trouble he could cause were all deceased and had passed through his digestive system already. Okay, so maybe not all of them but enough of them had gone that route. There were still the ones that had borne his young still around. But he tended to pick the ones that wouldn't talk of it or, if they did, were not likely to be believed.

"How could you do this!? What kind of sick monster are you!?" The blonde continued on with his tirade. Honestly he couldn't really care what happened here, other than him not getting a free meal, but he had the part of an innocent little angel to play. Therefore he had to act as if he was horrified at the find and he had to saw so himself his performance was a flawless one. But then again he was all too used to manipulating his situation and putting on airs to get others to believe him. "You are so sick! I'm not going to let you get away with this!" Zadkiel tossed his head back and howled, trying to alert anyone and everyone in the area that something was going on. He didn't honestly believe that the other could have done something like this, as Zadkiel had already figured it was a bear or some other large animal, but thought to at least see if he could freak the other out over getting caught at the scene of the crime and having all of the blame placed onto him.

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