suppose i never met you
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S'all good. Talitha tells him it was Asphyxia and Arkham will be on his merry way? :3

sharksThe only reason Arkham had assumed his niece would know little of the situation was because she had admitted that she had only recently returned from wherever it was that Gabriel had ordered them to go. Still, it seemed like she had quite a bit to tell and the coyote listened intently. Her...grandmother? ...Kaena? Arkham had long ago accepted that his mother would never return, but it had been Gabriel that had assured him of such, so what if? But he did not know how to confront information like that; she had abandoned them, just like his father had, to some extent. He had not seen her since he was only a few months old and had long learned to function without her. But it did not have to be Kaena. Arkham did not know who Faolin's parents were, did not know whether they were alive or where they had lived, and whether they were here now.

sharksYour grandmother? he echoed curiously, hiding his shock surprisingly well. Whether it had been Kaena or Faolin's mother though, Arkham was not sure how "accidentally" deaths could happen. At the same time, the death of a mother and a living child seemed like far too harsh a punishment for the loss of an unborn litter. Who had it been? Anyone he knew? I'm sure your father's got better things to do than humor the curiosity of a stranger, he said, smiling back at her knowing that she could not see it. Thanks for all your help though.


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