Can't Stand It
She didn't waste any time pushing forwards at him. He side stepped her blow with ease, shifting his weight and swinging around so that he stayed balanced. His training had been more harsh than she might realize, as he actually did bleed and get beaten near to death in those fights. In comparison these sparring matches were easy. Well, relatively easy. He still lacked the speed and grace that the others had gained, and while his blows were powerful he just didn't have as much experience as someone older, even with the intensity he'd been living with.

Relentlessly he struck right back, raising his fist and moving to strike her across the muzzle and send her stumbling back. That wasn't a feint at all, just a plain old blow. Disciplining him to hold back his blows was one of those things Aro had been training him on, and he still slipped up occasionally. For him it was just as if it was a real fight, and he battled with all the intensity and focus that he would bring to one. He snapped lightly towards her, leaving his one arm behind to block any potential strikes back.

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