the thin red line
ooc-slight out of order I know.. I gotta get these up because the storm is really starting here now.. Sad I made them sortof blane thatway the other char's post can go around them..

She turned her eyes away from the figure that had appeared along the border, she didn't want to see him, she didn't want him to see her, to be able to look into those orbs that cast to the very depths of her soul. She shivered slightly as the winds creeped along her pelt as the leaders spoke. Her ears flickered back and forth as she stole a glance at the girl who was to be her trade off. Something about her nature seemed to sound as a ringer to Firefly, as though she was looking into a broken mirror of herself. Her heart handed in her throat as she realized that some horrid fate had to have fallen to the child while in the lands.

Her emerald eyes turned to Haku accusingly, though she had no clue he wasn't to blame this time. The terror that the clan member had left in her dreams seemed to filter out as her heckles raised, wanting to get as far away from the dreams, from the half moon spent in their lands, from the male before her.. for what she believed he'd done to the mere child that seemed just as broken as she felt.

The sudden gesture came from Gabriel and without a thought in her head and not waiting to see what Anselm had to say she crashed by the hybrid leader of Inferni and with a fear filled glance towards Haku she barrelled into the forest like a spooked deer. The woman wasn't in control for once and the child was just along for the ride... mere instincts made her run, the world couldn't be trusted, she wouldn't trust them.. she couldn't.

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