the thin red line
ooc: DaVinci is nosy.. and wanted to see his sibling returned.. only here for plot reasons though.

The dark steele hued hybrid had made his way silently towards the border at the call for Haku. He knew he wasn't welcome to the trade off, but his sister was the item at hand that Dahlia de Mai had been waiting for and he wanted to make certain she was alive. He knew she'd been beaten and bruised in the confines of the shack but the depths of that abuse he'd never learned.. the clan had become alert to the two who were snooping about the confinements and Alexey and himself had fled back to the packlands..

Now he stood behind Haku and off to the side, having came up as Haku was speaking to the leader of Inferni, a character that DaVinci could remember well enough. His dark stormy eyes watched the leader as he gave the signal for the captive to be released. DaVinci wasn't for certain what Firefly was thinking but he'd seen a wild bolt of emotion pass through those normally calculated eyes before she'd shoulded past Gabriel and exploded off into the distant forest.

He took a step forward but didn't chase after her, the elder brother had learned long ago that she'd return when she was ready. He knew he shouldn't but the male spoke softly, his deep voice dropping one command to the leader of the lands he sat in. "Haku, let her go..." His eyes had been watching the others as the trading took place and he knew they weren't safe yet, if Haku went on some made rampage at the reaction of Firefly there was still a chance he wouldn't escape with his life... nor DaVinci with his own.

Turning his dark weathery orbs back to where the lone girl now stood he waited for the scene to finish playing before him.. a weary feeling settling in his soul, knowing that he couldn't do anything about what his sister had been through but wait.

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