the forgotten one

Should reaaaaaaally find someone to step in now. XD

Truthfully, the two hybrids were similar in many ways, and Laruku had always pitied DaVinci because of it. Children borne of hatred and fed lies from an early age. Children whose mothers (or would-be mothers) had tried to kill him and who had been abandoned to the neglectful mercies of their packs. But DaVinci's childhood had been contained within a time when the tawny hybrid had been quite unwell, and Laruku's mind continued to reel at the other's every word. He wanted to laugh and scream and cry all at the same time, but the only thing that escaped his throat was a strangled hiss. He heard his name but didn't believe it. Laruku was dead; he had long been dead, replaced by some wicked monster that still possessed him now. His mother's son was dead. Only his father's son remained.

He had lived that morning because he couldn't do it, couldn't continue to raise his teeth and claws to his lover's throat. Perhaps they both would have died otherwise, but then that was how it should have been. Shut up! Shut up! Such a hindrance made no sense in light of all the other things he'd done. They should have died, bleeding and broken in the forest, writhing like vampires in the sunshine. Laruku dug his claws into the wall, so deep that it splintered harshly and his fingers bled. He could not walk further, but stood there, shaking violently and glaring furiously at the creature on the floor.

You should have died, he repeated harshly, inadvertently biting his own tongue because he could not feel it. You should have never been born. His mind burned, and his vision trembled. Blood filled his mouth, somehow spurring his rage again. I hate you. I hate you, I hate you! Ripping his claws from the wall and subsequently tearing out a slice of the wood, the hybrid lunged again.


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