the forgotten one
-sneaks in another post-

"No." She practically barked at him, unwilling to move from the place that she had put herself. He was confused and crazed and she could only hope that it was all because of the sickness that had taken him. The girl stepped forward once more, easing toward him. There was no telling when he might turn and start at it again, and she didn't want to take the chance. Ears slid forward some, sweeping in the words that she spoke, and she gave a slow shake of her head. Even now Rachias still didn't quite understand what had gone on with her father back then. He was two different people and yet, at the very same time, he was the same person. It was something that came and went, as far as she could tell, but it had been quite a long time since she had seen the other side of him, the one that everyone else was certain was dangerous. Had it come back?

"He's gone." She stated suddenly, the tone of her voice low and soothing. Rachias turned her head at that moment though, narrowing her eyes at the being in the corner, signaling him to keep his trap shut lest he wish to provoke the raving man once more. "He's gone now, far away from here." Could he hear the nervous stutter in her words? Could he smell the strange male still? "There aren't any monsters here either, it's just you and I daddy. Laruku and Rachias.." No one in the world, not even him, would be able to convince her that he was a monster of any type.


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