you painted black where my broken heart is
As his lighter brother ran after the rabbits his larger form came up beside him, keeping stride for stride watching. As a shout reached his ears, "I got it! I got it!" He slowed down letting Apollo take the kill only to notice he had only clipped one of the slower ones. His smile was large and foolish, a smile you would find on a child about to laugh. Though no laugh escaped his muzzle. He slowed with the white pup whom eventualy stoped. Jazper walked abit further away from the younger pup to the bush they had emerged from.

"Ya they do get away sometimes." He yipped happily, "I'm proud of you though. You listened well, you ran fast, and you almost got one!" He turned and waged his tail rady to run to his brother and play fight when he heard the shuffling form the further within the forest once more. This time it was too close. He turned to the trees closest to Apollo just in time to see a red fox a little bigger then hlaf the black males body emerge from the shadows beside the younger white puppy, growling and hissing. It was not a happy camper. His golden orbs grew in shock, what should he do?!

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