Face to Face
Word Count :: 235 OOC: This is super suck sorry

Things became confusing for the man one second he was being attacked by the boy, who luckily still had milkteeth, then he was off. The others running after and he ran too, unfortunately, as he had to sprint to get around them his energy wasn’t as good and having to fend himself from the viscious boy was an energy waster as well so though he kept behind Sky and Kiara, he could not catch up either. He heard the words and wondered why the boy ran with Amy, but then the thought of her telling him the lies that could be growing inside his head. He hated Amy even more now and wished he could do something for it.

Amy seemed to know the streets well because the chase was hard, and even though he could not catch up, he kept at the pace he was going, trying to be of some use, because he hadn’t been when they tried circling them in.. The woman was smart, and the puppy seemed to take all her commands. the poor thing, away from his mother and being brainwashed, at least that was how he saw it with the reaction of the puppy who didn’t seem to even recognisze his mother, perhaps it was because he had been so young but her scent would have been ingrained into his nose for the rest of his life.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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