like the last breath you would breath.
OOC: So he was less cranky than I thought I would write him Big Grin

IC: His memories were mostly back by now and his English was entirely back. But just because his mind was OK did not mean that his body was. His left wrist and right ankle were sprained and he was in a mostly bad mood. Although he figured that he was allowed to be cranky since he was in pain. His normally sore joints were constantly sore and he was glad that he had his walking stick more than ever. He probably wasn’t even supposed to be up and walking on it much yet but he couldn’t be inside for much longer without going crazy. At least the wrist that was connected to the hand he wrote with was mostly OK so he could still work on records and translating.

He headed out of his thankfully mostly intact hut and grimaced when he put too much weight on his right ankle. But he saw something that made him think carefully. He didn’t remember having ever met this female before. Had he not or did he simply not remember it? He figured he'd talk to the underfed female and find out. So he slowly approached her and sat on a nearby rock. "Hello. Mind company?" His voice was a bit rough and his English was still really heavily accented. He figured that that would lessen in time. He would always have an obvious AniWayan accent but usually it was a lot softer.

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