postcards from italy
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_____Back through the forest they went, mostly in silence because Laurel was running far too many things through his head. It seemed like most of the people were connected to one another, which was ironic, given that Laruku had told him about that. He thought maybe it was just some sort of isolated incident, but after a while… it seemed like everyone either knew one another or were related in some fashion. If all roads led to Rome, then it seemed that all ties indirectly led to one another here. Almost weird, he thought, but not overly out of the ordinary. Most of the north was unoccupied still, given that most of the folk in the north were well-suited for the climate.

_____He on the other hand, maybe not so much. He was used to the desert (thought having not grown up there) and he was used to the sprawling forests and valleys with the mountain backdrops. They had that here, but with the ocean flanking them on one side. Nice and scenic, nice and local. Everyone shit in each other's backyard, just like the rest of the world. As the camp site came up, he readily started in on the spiel he had been giving everyone lately, or so it seemed. Gesturing to his left, he pointed at the wooden structure and its adjacent building.

_____“That shack over there is where we've got a couple of the sick. I've separated Ahren from the rest of ‘em, mostly because I didn't know what he would do.” Closer and closer they got and he paused, surveying the quiet atmosphere of the area. “I had to tie him up too, but for as strong as he is I reckon he's either tuckered himself out by now or broken that belt of his, so y‘might wanna be careful around him. But I'll be lingering around just in case.” He wasn't about to let some sick madman sock the crap out of her, anyway.


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