a most deep and subtle poison
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____Ah yes, Inferni, that place he had heard about being over the river and through the woods and down that dark path on the way to Grandmother's house. Only they weren't exactly in a demented version of Little Red Riding Hood; partially because they lacked wolves and maybe the grandmother. Or something. Anyway, it was nice to know that she wasn't too far off from home, or so he assumed. It wasn't like they had a postmarked address that he could go by, he only had some rough directions and a medley of different smells to go of off.

_____But she was a charming girl, he could give her that. Young and curious, just like she should have been. “I've played this thing for years. Not really sure how many, to be honest.” Truthfully he imagined if he thought about it, he could figure out how long ago it was, but why bother? He had stopped counting the days and the months and the years a long time ago, finding it much easier to simply go with the flow than try and keep track of his own morality. “Do you want to hold it?” he decided to ask, noting the way she eyed it, very much like the woman that he had met not that long ago.

_____Who would have thought banjo = chick magnet?


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