These Dreams Escape Me
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"Well my brother, since you're oh so important and knowledgeable about the Nomads, I think you should protect the Issor. As honourable and concerned of our dear leader, I would think you would jump on the chance of protecting her...or should I say just jump on her- if you'll pardon my brashness."

He chuckled a bit at this comment, though he would not be sure how the two love birds would react to his little dig at their secret relationship. He could see the affection in their eyes. There was too much history between them for them not to be loving. His little joke was definitely within his nature. It was how he lightened the mood and made everyone more comfortable while he watched their movements.

"So my dear true Nomad brother, I think you should protect her while I go out to hunt. I'm quite tired of being stagnant in these rather drafty old caves. I haven't been on a proper hunt since I left the previous Collective, and my peak physical body is starting to get a bit flabby. I insist, besides you look so tired and mangy and oh- wait that is how you usually look."

000 words.


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