bruises to prove it
Word Count: 640

The large, muscular wolfdog dodged quietly through the thick, darkened forest softly searching the area in front of him as he roamed. Deep within the forest a pig snorted and for a moment he stopped, his eyes and ears piercing the clustered forest searching for that faint sign of life as he wished once again that he had shifted out of his secui form before attempting to penetrate the trees. His black, skin messenger bag was hanging slightly over his side about half way down his back, his strap looping over his neck and then again under his shoulders as it was made to. He had placed his knife and clothing inside of it attempting to both keep up with the belongings and keep them dry in this rough forest. Along with these petty things, he had also placed a small, smoldering coal from his last fire, keeping it handy in case he had to start another one.

He had been informed by a group of loners the day before about a peaceful pack that lived beyond this forest and the following plain. That was where he was heading now. It was true that he had never really been part of a luperci pack, but he had high hopes that he would easily fit in there. This forest was proving to be quite the roadblock, however. When he had first entered, he had not expected it to be as thick as it was. For that reason, he had not shifted out of his secui form, his favorite form to travel in as it proved to be the best of both traveling fast and being prepared in case an opportunity for a meal presented itself. Now, however, he was regretting it as the forest grew thicker and, at the same time, darker. He, no doubt, stood out like a sore thumb with his ghostly white fur.

Another squeal sounded from the same position in the forest only this time it was surprised, even scared maybe. He swiftly took off towards the sound, ducking and dodging under and around trees that shot out to grab him. His pose remained calm and sure even though deep down he craved for the fresh meat announcing itself only yards away. A root stuck out of the ground almost causing him to stumble as he blew through the underbrush, but he invaded it just in time, his forelimb stretched out as he over shot the half hidden root. The forest was thick enough, and his long fur was not helping things. It got caught on, he swore, every low hanging branch he happened to rub up against causing a uncomfortable tugging as it pulled out a few strands of fur. He silently cursed his genetics.

He dove a couple more feet through the underbrush, pushing of with his muscled back legs. The squeals were getting closer, now sounding even more fearful then before, but there was another sound underneath. It was a carnivore, growling sound, but he could not tell exactly what it was with the hog’s loud squeals over powering the softer sound. He didn’t have any more time to ponder over it either as a terribly frightened, young boar burst through a particular pile of clustered bushes and vines in front of him. Surprised, Raphael twisted and leapt, more worried about getting out of the charging boar’s sharp teeth and tusk than landing himself a meal. As a result, one of his front legs landed inside an unseen, shallow hole, twisting his ankle and causing his body to fall sideways. Luckily, his other leg managed to make up for his mistake and he caught himself just before hitting the ground. He glanced up and to his surprise, feet away a lone, dark colored she-wolf was laying on the ground, exhaustion emanating from her being.

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