Curbed Enthusiasm

Did you have anyone in mind? If it is just the mentioning of calling someone then it can be NPCed or just act as if no one was in the area to hear and show up.

It had been much easier than he had imagined that it would be to get the other male to worry and stress over the accusation. He really hadn't expected for the other to actually become so contrite and submissive for an act that the other knew he hadn't committed. Honestly Zadkiel had expected there to be anger at being pinned with the blame but it clearly hadn't worked out in such a way. Still he was willing to accept this reaction. The blonde male could work with this and play on it a bit more. There was nothing like the scent of fear after all.

He finished out his howl and looked back to the male once again. "You aren't going to get away with this." The words were repeated once again as Zadkiel focused on the other that had taken to whimpering. "You will pay for your crime. There is no way that you possibly could think that you would get away with doing this to someone else. What are you doing? Coming back to enjoy the devastation that you caused, you sick freak?" Zadkiel had started to pace as he continued to speak, showing himself to have grown to be overly emotional.

He shook his head as he glanced back to Hadley once again. He paused in his pacing in order to near the other male so that he could look upon him and try to stare into the other's eyes."Why did you do it? Tell my why you did it. What did she ever do to you to deserve this?" Zadkiel was trying to work the other up as much as he possibly could. "Why do you deserve to leave here whole when you have stolen such an innocent life? How can you possibly think to even live with yourself?"

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