bruises to prove it
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She acknowledged his compliment with a gracious smile, tail flicking once as though it were a waving hand, brushing away the kind words in modest dismissal. "Not enough to catch the infernal thing, I'm afraid. I thought this storm was a blessing in the way it unsettled the prey, it must have slipped my mind that it made things more of a challenge for ‘unter as well." Though it really was an irritating situation to deal with, she chose to laugh the matter off. Her head gestured to the soggy wreckage around them; it was a wonderful stumbling course to hunt prey with, but its benefits were cut tragically short in the way that it hindered the predator too. The taste of red meat in her mouth was a pleasure long denied; she had hoped that size would trump hunting inexperience, and had been almost certain the boar would be hers.

Her head tilted quizzically as he addressed her with madame. Had Harvey's scent clung long enough were she smelled like a mated woman? Her nose wrinkled at the idea of seeming anything less than totally free, but it was forgiven as a cultural difference with another waving dismissal. She gradually lowered to the abundant muscles of her haunches; if he asked for names, then chances were he was interested in conversation, a notion she would happily oblige.

As the sinews bunched and settled beneath her, she could not help but wish to be in either of her other two forms though. She suddenly felt bulky, and visually less than appealing. The wagging of her tail ceased as she lowered, and the limb was pulled to drape over black paws, she trying to further civilize the pose by tucking her legs rigidly beneath her feathered torso.

“My name is Aoves.” She replied simply, her head slowly tilting to dip as she answered. “And I ‘ope you don’t mind my asking, but you are alright, aren’t you Raphael?” No immediate emergencies gaped from his pelt, but she felt responsible for putting him in the situation, and didn't want to risk coming off as though she did not care for his health.



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