under the weather
I snag! And just an fyi, there's only one shack / shed thing in EH. XD;
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____He had been about three tenths of the way towards the borders to poke around (since some folks, they didn't know how to get anyone's attention or anything, just stood there) when he had heard someone behind him call out for Endymion. Had it been a voice belonging to anyone else, say maybe of the male gender, he might have thought about it differently. But as it were, Esper Hollow wasn't exactly crawling with women, which made it all the more reason for him to turn around and double back to the camp site.

_____Long before he had caught sight of just what species the visitor was, he noticed that she was dressed, in plaid of all things. It stood out just as easily as he did as he came out of the forest and into the half-copse clearing that made up their camp site, eyeing both her and the shack for a moment as he came in closer. “You'll probably want to stay away from that,” he mentioned without much care that she was more or less in the centre of their territory. Pushing his hat up on his head a little bit, he continued speaking. “Endymion's been taking care of some of the sick along with a couple of others, though.”


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