a most deep and subtle poison
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____Even if she wasn't up to the task of holding the banjo and figuring out what it did hands-on, it wasn't the first time he had encountered it. Some just didn't want to make a fool of themselves or they simply didn't have any interest in it, and then there were those who were afraid of it. But she didn't fall into any of those categories and he knew that the interest still remained. “I doubt if you dropped this ol’ banjo it would fall to pieces. I know I've done it more times than I can remember.” And in fact, he had dropped it not too long ago, but that was a different story.

_____“Do you guys play instruments where you're from, or sing or something?” It was always nice to find others who had something like that in common. Aside from the two or three others he had met that were familiar with one instrument or another, it seemed like they were in short supply on a whole. Which probably made them all the more interesting, if not weird; given that most of them were a bunch of pants-wearing travellers that had stopped along the road for a breather. “I'm from a little gypsy band to the south of this forest and we've got a few folks who can play instruments. Pretty sure a couple of others are good at singing for that matter.”


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