under the weather
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____“Nah, I don't know where he's gone off to. He came here looking for his uncle, Laurent, who built that. It's where we've put a couple of folks that are really sick,” he explained with a bit of a forming frown, definitely still concerned about them. But it seemed like for the most part they hadn't been getting any worse, but they weren't really getting any better. “And then in the shed we had one guy tied up because he was wandering around and seeing things. Tried to beat things with a stick and everything. Whatever's been going around seems to play some real hell with ‘em.”

_____But that aside, at least folks were getting an eye on them. Zephyr had been gone for a while and he hadn't seen hide nor hair of the tattooist that they had taken in; Laurel was beginning to think they had left because of what was going on. Turning his olive-tinted gaze back to the woman, he pressed forward with introductions. “I'm Laurel, by the way,” and then he offered his hand for a handshake. “I'm guessing you're a friend of Endymion's?”


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