Beneath your bough

out of character

I desperately need a puppy character xDDD

in character

It was only when the smile had been not so clearly masked on the other femme's face, is when it slowly began to dawn on the Aatte boy that possibly he wasn't just some young hooligan raining on the other's parade. In fact, in some bizarre way, he was amusing the other, providing some sort of entertainment for her. Her comment, a repetition of a motto that seemed to have her own spin, gave Khaden something to inwardly roll his eyes at. How many times had he heard that one growing up, remembering briefly a flashback of Naniko running through hell and fury trying to control him. Those were ages ago, and the days had passed, but it seemed like the lessons were still attempting to attack him at every turn.

Turning now, to pay attention to the meat given to him (in which, in his little angsty teenage ways, completely ignored) he finally grinned, inclining his head in his sincere thank yous before he picked one up, and chewed on it thoughtfully before he furrowed his brow once again, the trademark Khaden look - constantly puzzled - before he came back, mouth half full with bites of rabbit, "If I tell you mine, will you tell me yours?" He wanted to know who this was, and how she had this quirk about her that seemed so... interesting. Taking an eyeful of her, he took his chances with the question he had previously presented and shrugged it off. "Khaden."

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