darkness becomes

Adelaida shrugged. These lands certainly weren’t boring, but if boring meant that the shifters and coyotes disappeared than she would certainly prefer boring to what they had now. It was a treat when she sincerely was doing nothing, which wasn’t now, because before her was a wolf-coyote hybrid and that wasn’t boring... but it wasn’t the type of person she would have chosen to run into if she had to. Ade ignored that fact though, she would try and focus on him as a person, as Alexey would do. Although why she was even trying to please Alexey when her sister and her weren’t speaking was beyond Adelaida.

DavVinci was the creature’s name and Adelaida nodded politely. Chances were she would never see this male again after they parted today, but one never knew. She would try and remember the name. You didn’t live across the mountain did you? Adelaida was surprised, as he was the first one to come to that conclusion on his own. Most others thought that she had come from there, and that assumption annoyed her. No, I was born and raised in these lands. I’ve never even been across the mountains. Do you come from there? He probably did. Most of them did.


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