the thin red line


Anselm felt disconnected. It was almost as though he were watching the whole scene unravel from a different perspective. Even though there were a good number of people here, he felt strangely alone. Maybe it was just the kind of energy that was floating around; Talitha seemed absolutely destroyed. He couldn't help but grimace--there were only a handful of obvious things that could have happened to her. Rape, torture, starvation. He'd have to commend Gabriel later for not going berserk on the spot.
Firefly scampered off and he watched her go. His ears fell back against his head once another male showed up; what the fuck was this about? Gabriel had clearly called for Haku alone, and the sudden appearance of someone he'd never seen before put him on edge. At bare minimum, it was enough to snap him back to reality. His gaze stayed planted on DaVinci for some time, and he only broke concentration to spare a glance to Haku.
The situation was obviously very tense. At this point, Dahlia had Firefly back, but now there were extra pack members showing up and they hadn't safely left with Talitha yet. Not good. He glanced at the poor girl, tail swaying half-heartedly behind him, and waited for her to come over. The sooner that they got out of there, the better.

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