we all dance a jingo carabet
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... a/ctop.png); background-color: #74693D; background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____She generally zoned out on the world around when focused, but it was hard to miss the sound of squeaky hinges and stern steps in the same building. A building that was generally quiet, for that matter, as she had noticed. Corona stopped mid-sentence and raised her gaze, listening carefully to figure out just where the footsteps were going. They got louder, passed by where she was and went to an adjacent area altogether. She heard the match strike, the sound of the charcoal tip catching fire, and then distinctly picked up the smell of cigarette smoke.

_____By then, her interest was entirely piqued and she set the book aside once more, rising up and carefully walked from the room back to the cooridor. Angry steps, steps of strain and cracked resolve, she honestly hadn't expected to find her brother on the other side of the wall when she peered into the other room. Eyeing the red glow of the ash, she directed her gaze to his face. “You okay?” she asked, though feeling it was very obvious he wasn't.


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