through all the doubt somehow they knew
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_____Even though he smiled briefly at the mention of them being a little hard to believe, it was soon gone. But it was Esper Hollow, that little band of gypsies in the middle of nowhere where everyone seemed to be incredibly baffled that there were coyotes that existed outside of Inferni. Even more concerning—they wore clothes. He had heard it all too many times before. “You must be Gabriel,” he said, quite sure that was the name he had heard someone use. The cousin he presumed (or was it that he knew? He couldn't remember.) was Anselm, so the other, Corona, must have been the other girl he had seen briefly.

_____“He's being kept over this way,” the older man said as he turned back towards the camp and headed off, “I had to keep him separate from the others since he's been a bit… hostile, you could say. Most of them are hallucinating but he's the most mobile of them.” Maybe a good sign, but then again it was also a bad sign if he managed to get out. But Poe had been with him and he kept an eye on the area much more than before.


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