we all dance a jingo carabet
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... a/ctop.png); background-color: #74693D; background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____“I want him to suffer too. I think I've wanted him to suffer since the day I've met him,” because then, she had wanted all of her younger siblings to suffer. She didn't want them to exist and maybe there was a small part of her that wished that was still true. There were so many of them and so many of them were uprooted by the choices (or lack thereof) of their parents. “But until we have that chance, I won't let anyone hurt her, Gabriel. Right now she needs all of us to be there and I want her to feel safe. I don't want her to be afraid.” Maybe it was a hard promise to keep, but she would do more than just try.

_____“And I know there's a lot going on, but I have something more to tell you than that. Anselm told us to stay away from Esper Hollow right now, but Dad is there… and he's one of the people who's sick.” They had more than one crisis going on, at least in her mind. And it worried her just as much as having Andrezej hanging over them. “I've been trying to figure out what they have and I've been going there to give them things to help, but it worries me a lot. He's really sick.”


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