Just One Game
WC: 000, OOC:

He'd intended to stay close to the Hotel, but the young pups sense of adventure and his lack of awareness of his surroundings had served to take him further away from the small patch of the outside world that he knew. The day before, he'd gone 'gathering' with Mama, which really consisted of Pascal roaming around in the undergrowth and finding something, anything of interest. Today had been no different, aside from the absence of his Mama. He'd only meant to go outside the Hotel where Mama and Papa could see him if they wanted to and Eugene could join him if his brother so desired.

How he'd ended up all the way out here was beyond him. He was cold now, more than likely due to the fact that he was lost and probably in shock a little bit. For a while, the boy had thought he could find his way back- after all he'd only been chasing a bug, he couldn't have gotten this lost. A loud, calling whine came from him, three sharp calls that were directed towards Mama. She didn't answer him and he sat his rump down, his whole body shaking now. "Mamaaaaa" He cried, little face turned to the sky and a wobbly call bursting from him.

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