Plan of execution, I'm demanding retribution
Word Count :: 405 OOC: you so totally pmed the wrong account bwahahahah, anyways Jiva is in Optime, and just as wet and soggy ^^

Jiva was not one to travel far or long, but he was feeling guilty. The guilt over kissing another woman. How it happened, well he knew how it happened, but why or how Palaydrian would take it. He was scared for his relationship. He was scared of losing her. It was his whole feelings of being jealous over Leaf spending more time with her than himself. He grunted as the rain drowned his fur. He had to have time to think and he doubted Drin would miss him right now anyway.

He was trying to look for a relatively dry spot for the night. He was too far from hom and he was wet and miserable, perhaps it was the gods saying they were not happy with him. That he should really be faithful and trustworthy to his mate. He swore if he didn’t drown in the mud and rain tonight he would find his mate and tell her tomorrow. For now he was moving in near darkness when he saw movement ahead of him. He stopped, tilted his head, and let his eyes adjust to the moving figure. X’yrin? No.... she wasn’t that tall was she? Perhaps it was the night playing tricks on him, making her look taller than she was, or something.

“X’yrin?” He called raising his arm, waving it. He wondered why the woman would be wandering out here alone when she had her own home to be safe and sound in. She had never seemed the type to go out in the pouring rain as he would, but he saw stranger things. He ran towards her, his heart beating a bit, she was far from her home.... quite far, but as he came closer the stature and shape made it apparent this was not his old friend. The woman who gave him advice, and the one he helped with at her home to build their ranch. He stopped when he saw it was not his friend, blinking. This was a man who resembled the woman greatly, but it seemed it was a man indeed, he stood stock still not sure if he should run or continue, the rain dripped down his mane and face, the mohawk he once sported was flattened by the wetness, it had been some time since he could get his hands on beeswax or any kind if syrups since the hurricane.

Photo courtesy of Genista

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