a most deep and subtle poison
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_____“Well, I don't know about that. I think there's talent everywhere. You might just have to look hard for it,” although honestly, talent was subject to the eye of the beholder, or maybe someone with a good ear. He didn't think he was particularly talented, but he hadn't scared away too many with his playing. At least not for a long time. “Do you know what kind of instrument you'd want to play? There might be someone around who could show you how.” The world as it were always had time for its youth; the places that didn't just lacked the youth.

_____And even if she seemed to be about half grown, he honestly doubted she was from the type of place that didn't care about its youth—it was very obvious just in the way that she spoke that she was intelligent. “And even if there wasn't anyone around to show you how to play, sometimes they're not that hard to learn if you have the will to teach yourself. That's pretty much how I started out, anyway.” Then someone had shown him a few things along the road, but that wasn't the point he was trying to get across, either.


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