and the war came with a curse and a caterwaul
mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        In the old Inferni Samael had rarely entered the house the pack had claimed as their own from the wolves. But here the mansion piqued his interest and he dared to explore it's interior. The caves were where the clan actually lived, and the house was merely an afterthought, left to nature and those curious and bored of mind. It was raining outside, droplets pounding against the roof and windows, trailing down the glass in clear rivulets. He found himself in the master bedroom, looking with interest at the remnants of once deadly weapons. A broken pistol, a dismantled shotgun, a shattered crossbow.. even if they were unusable, Samael was fascinated. Some canines had mastered bow and arrows, spears, swords, and other basic weaponry, but the power of a gun? How easy it would be to destroy many at a time. Tens, hundreds, thousands.. an army armed with such weapons could tear the world apart.
        Slipping a handgun into his bag, Samael shot a last, almost remorseful glance around the room before closing the door behind him, intending fully later to examine the gun and it's mechanisms further. In the parlor he found something else that interested him. Draped over a couch was a golden-haired woman who's familiarity stopped him in the doorway. "What's this? A ghost," he said in his quiet voice, eyeing the female. It had been a long, long time since he'd last seen his elder sister.

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